SDK Initialization

Initializing the adJump.

You must initialize the adJump SDK before you can use any of its features.

AdJump adjump = new AdJump(Context context, String accountid, String appid, String userId);

The parameters to this call are as follows:



Your application's context.


Your adjump account id.


Your adjump application id.


The registered User Id associated with your application.

Initialize adJump SDK:

Initialize the adJump OfferWall SDK by invoking the initialize function

adjump.initialize(new AdJump.InitialisationListener() {

       public void onInitialisationSuccess() {
          runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(HomeActivity.this, "SDK Initialized Successfully", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());


        public void onInitialisationError(Exception exception) {
                // An error occurred during initialization
           runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(HomeActivity.this, "Failed to Initialize SDK", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());

Open the adjump offerwall

To initiate the OfferWall, simply invoke the launchOfferWall method.

if (adjump.isAvailable()) {
} else {
// show some message or alert when adjump is not available!

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